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Ryan W. Cobb

A bit more about me and Valley  Up.

My family loves the outdoors and the beach! Ashlie and I are pictured here in Ocean City, NJ. The photo of the Susquehanna River was taken on a recent hike. The Susquehanna is right down the road from our house, and we are thankful for that! I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA. I was introduced to Jesus in my teen years through a local church. The deeper elements of Christian spirituality, like prayer, Scripture study, fellowship of believers, and community outreach, were things I found to be foundational in my faith through my young adult years. I have continued to press into those elements of my faith and have been in ministry for nearly fifteen years. I have an MDiv from EMU Seminary.


What is the vision behind Valley Up? I fell in love with Scripture early on in my faith journey, and one of my favorite passages is Ezekiel 37. The text's imagery is as captivating now as it was when I first read it. It's truth, and the message is that no situation is ever too far gone for God, no hope too distant for Jesus, and no valley too low for the Spirit. Every valley can rise as God speaks life over it, Christ leads it, and the Spirit surrounds it. I hope my words, reflections, or teachings will help others find a 'Valley Up' mindset and a faith posture humbly open to God's work in their lives and our world.

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